Soft email claim mails can be sent for long outstanding dues on member’s behalf to the fraternity.
Members may request us for settlement of due amount or agencies for undue claims on quality issues.
Members can host and attend webinar meets online for which we will assist in advertising such events.
The promotion of translator to over 60,000 companies through mail will also be on offer at a cost.
Permitted for members, without charge, including contact details visible to members and only job details for others.
Member agencies and translators can present their strength through portfolio for others (three times) at no cost.
Information assistance to members while visiting other countries through other members of that country will be arranged.
/^T/^L will try and ensure that members who use the brand will be good in their service and payments.
Will be accepted with recall from members for larger transactions or for unknown agencies on behalf of translators.
We will use our network of friends to physically verify the existence of any translator or Agency.
SOS assistance through associates on travel to distant lands for the member translator or agency on request.
/^T/^L can assist for the primary valuation of business worth, should it be required by any agency.
File formats, language codes, font and script look, time zone study are just a few member advantages.
Translators can request for payment Insurance which will make it easier for trust across thus worldwide fraternity.
Becoming an /^T/^L member will give you a higher credit over non-members and you gain more business.
Will be offered at no cost to members who wish to present events or advantages to other members.
Members can use the association logo for goodwill and camaraderie with an entire organization to back them.
Events, human losses, current offers, tips, suggestions and real news will soon be available to members only.
Valuation and assistance to purchase or sell your business, keeping secrecy and ensuring timely, fair payments.
Using a bonding logo makes bonding easier and knowing who to trust can be a lot of help.
We respect the work our job portals are doing and our members too will have a job paste board.
We will be regularly providing and updating information to protect members from bad paymasters or unethical translators.
Advice on Legal, tax, HR and financial matters through support helpline on any of business related issues.
Collaborations will get members offers, discounts and exclusive treats for manyevents organized by us and association partners.